Monday 18 April 2016

Two year blog anniversary

🎉🎉🍾🍾Unbelievable but, yes, the blog has celebrated its two year anniversary🍾🍾🎂🎉

How amazing is that, indeed, where did that time go!! We hope you still find it interesting and informative. We find it a quick and easy way to update you and let you know about up and coming events both locally and nationally. So please do keep coming back to see what we are up to and here is to many more years of blogging 😄

Thank you

A huge thank you to all of you who attended our AGM on Saturday. It was lovely to see you all and to give you a roundup of the year's business detailed by our Chairperson. We really enjoy these days which give us the opportunity to catch up with so many of you and hear how you are doing. Seeing so many of you fit and well after treatment means an awful lot to us, so thank you for your time.

The Chairperson was delighted to report that we are now one step nearer to purchasing the Air Seal that will be utilised when undertaking precision bowel surgery. We will of course keep you up to date with news on progress. Thank you so much for supporting us and for your generous donations which have made purchases, such as this one, possible.

The group also heard about the importance of patient feedback and how this very much forms part of how your local Trust's cancer care is monitored each year. The National Cancer Patient Survey is utilised by each Trust to assist in improving your care; it fits in with The National Cancer Peer Review programme and forms part of the measures by which Trusts are reviewed. Information is available on line regarding both of these. Here in Somerset, your local Trust takes this a step further by holding local Patient Experience Groups too. So your feedback is really important to the Trust, and us, alike.

The Autumn Annual Event is scheduled for Saturday 8th October, at The County Cricket Ground, and already promises some interesting speakers and stalls. If you would like to be invited, please do let us know by ringing 01823 342452 and asking for your name to be added to the list of invitees. 

Once again we would like to thank our committee members for the work both our patient and professional members undertake for you. A group such as this, and the two events, take quite some organising. If you would like to become more involved, we are always looking for new committee members. Please let us know if you are interested, on the number above.